the one with fahrenheit

currently playing: turn off the light-nelly furtado
whoa nelly!
Yey, I'm going political.
I know its been out for a long time, but last night I just watched Michael Moore's Fahrenheit9/11. I still can't see what all the fuss was about. It was clearly anti-Bush, and I'm not saying this in his defense but the film was *definitely* biased. In fact, Bin Laden would've even seemed innoccent if he stood right next to Bush in the documentary. Ah, the wonders of brainwashing. (The roof is on fire, tralala...)
But for those who actually hate Bush, the film would have been entertaining. The sarcasm actually worked for a while. I just didn't like the idea of a defenseless Bush. I mean you've got to hear his side too. (Again, not to his defense) I'd just prefer if the documentary was less pinoy-soap-operized if you know what I mean. Cut off sensationalism. But then again it won't be as interesting. :)
Alin, alin, alin ang naiba?
It did remind me so much of Imelda(the film). It was more subtle, but the *packaging* more or less the same. Both films were award-winning, and both personas looked dead stupid. Plus, both parties considered sueing. Eh, I don't see reason why not.
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